Political Action & Education Committee
The Farm Bureau Political Action and Education Committee (PAEC) focuses on a variety of local, state and federal issues that affect agriculture. The educational component provides information to the public so that the story of agriculture can be heard and understood. The political component works on numerous topics that include: land use, water, local government, taxes, air quality, state policy and federal legislation. The issues are dynamic and new topics are never in short supply.
Political Action & Education Committee Report
Reported by Peter Bradford, Committee Chair – January 2025
The November 2024 election is in the books and its results will become apparent as the new congress takes charge. Enabled by overwhelming support of the voters across the country, the 119th Congress has been given a rare opportunity to fulfill the expectations of those who voted for them. For too long the bureaucracy in Washington has grown unchecked and the resulting budgetary increases and legislation have done more harm than good, now is the time to reverse that trend, enact governmental reform, and pass meaningful legislation. We should all hope and pray that President-elect Donald J. Trump and the 119th Congress take the mandate given to them and act accordingly.
While there was overwhelming support for new leadership in Washington, here in California much remains the same at the state level. There were some gains in lessening the supermajority held by the Democrats as three seats were flipped by the Republican minority and there was an increase, in every county but one, Alpine, in support for change. How the 2025 California legislative session performs remains to be seen but there are some indications of what may happen. Governor Newsom has called for a special session to set aside funding for legal challenges to perceived actions from President-elect Trump and his administration once they take office.
Here in Mendocino County, we begin 2025 welcoming new supervisors, Madeline Cline, representing the 1st District and Bernie Norvell representing the 4th District. Maureen Mulheren representing the 2nd District, John Haschak, representing the 3rd District and Ted Williams, representing the 5th District also returned to the board. With two new supervisors taking their seats there is renewed optimism that perhaps the administration of Mendocino County will become clear, transparent and efficient. There is also hope that the 2025 board can repair some of the damage created by the former board…
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Farm Pac & Farm Team
Working to Protect Your Bottom Line

The biggest threat to farming is not an act of nature. The cumulative burden of increased taxes and regulations has a direct affect on your profitability.
No one person can face such obstacles alone. However, with Farm Bureau you have the tools to weather the storm.
Farm Bureau has two programs that directly impact your bottom line – the California Farm Bureau Fund to Protect the Family Farm (FARM PAC®) and the FARM TEAM.
These programs compliment each other and work to achieve one common goal – to protect people like you – California’s family farmers and ranchers.
FARM PAC is Farm Bureau’s political action committee, the muscle and voice representing farming interests in the political arena.
Farm Bureau does not utilize membership dues for making political contributions. This is why Farm Bureau created FARM PAC more than thirty years ago.
The voluntary contributions of members like you, allows Farm Bureau to make political contributions to candidates who are committed to working in the best interests of the state’s farmers and ranchers, regardless of their party affiliation.
When deciding whether or not to support a candidate’s re-election campaign, FARM PAC allows Farm Bureau to hold those lawmakers accountable for their actions while in office.
In addition to being able to make political contributions, Farm Bureau also saw the need for California’s family farmers and ranchers to tell their story, while weighing in on legislation and regulations.
FARM TEAM allows you to contact the lawmakers who make the decisions that impact your farming and ranching operations.
As a web-based program, you will receive email Action Alerts from FARM TEAM that enable you to send letters and participate in activities that influence public policy and the outcome of elections.
In a matter of minutes, from the comfort of your own home and at your own convenience – you can take part in the political process and ultimately work to protect California’s rich agricultural heritage.
There are many issues before lawmakers this year that will impact how you do business. A water bond intended to provide additional water storage and conveyance, eminent domain fixes, food safety regulations and legislation to reduce metal theft are all on the table.
Remember, Farm Bureau’s strength is in its numbers and you have the tools to contribute to that strength. Regardless of how you participate, it benefits agriculture, and ultimately, it benefits you.
Visit http://www.cfbf.com/ to learn more about FARM PAC and FARM TEAM. Or simply call the Mendocino County Farm Bureau office at 707-462-6664 for more information.