Thanks to your support, this is what we were able to accomplish in 2023!

0“I saved 25% on a battery I purchased using the Farm Bureau discount. With all the parts needed to maintain my equipment, my membership will be paid for in no time!”Ana CoxMember since 1981
1“Living in a state where the political power is concentrated in a few big cities, we need political clout, there is no stronger more supportive ally than Farm Bureau. Whether the issue is local, statewide or national, no one represents rural interests like Farm Bureau.”Mike AndersonPast President and member since 1992
2“Devon and her team help me stay informed. It is important to have timely influence over the numerous regulatory issues that impact agriculture. The influence our organization has is invaluable; well worth the price of an agricultural membership. I also value the friendships and good times, of course.”Estelle CliftonMember since 2001
3“Being a Farm Bureau member is important for many reasons, but to me the most important reason for being a member is that the people who often times are making decisions about what happens on my farm, elected officials, have no basis for those decisions other than preconceived ideas or what they are being told by individuals who don’t have my best interest in mind. Farm Bureau provides a strong, focused voice on my behalf to educate and influence these elected leaders so that I can continue to operate my business and support my family.”Frost PauliPresident and member since 2006
4“If I were running a business that grossed $10,000,000 per year, I would probably have my own attorney on staff or maybe more than one. However, much to my dismay, I do not gross even a fraction of that. So why is this relevant your ask? Our team of state and federal law makers has nothing better to do than make new and exciting laws for us to try and follow. Then let’s add ballot measures that seek to force us to cut dead trees down. Many of these laws and measures are thousands of pages of drivel and technical jargon. I run a one man freak show (some would call it a business) and it’s all I can do to get the work done that needs doing on a day to day basis. So when there is measure X on the ballot that is a 1400 page measure that might affect my business, how do I make an informed decision? I look to Farm Bureau. CFBF has a legal department whose job is to look out for the well being of agriculture. They read all 1400 pages of drivel and boil it down to something I can understand with a minimal amount of research.”Peter BauerMember since 2003